Bazaar Items: Toypedia blog posts that feature mini-figure and card items for sale around the internets. The true purpose of these posts is simply to feature interesting figures and cards from around the world, not to necessarily advertise auctions.
Cardalogue: Toypedia blog posts that feature pictures and information about card sets.
Cardboard Close-up: Toypedia blog posts that feature high resolution images of fun and interesting cards.
Figabulary: A combination of the words "figure" and "vocabulary." From time to time, Toypedia posts are made featuring solo or group shots of figures. By viewing these entries, readers can increase their "figure vocabulary" or their Figabulary!
Figure: A toy of a particular shape and color.
Here's a look at two different Bad Eggz Bunch figures:
Green Octoegg and Blue Octoegg
Hard Plastic: Stiff, sometimes brittle, and not able to be bent without fear of breaking or cracking figure. This plastic type is lighter and less-dense than soft plastics.
There are varying degrees of hardness among plastics that we would classify as hard plastic. Examples of "hard plastic" would be 2nd series Cheap Toys, Ultimate Muscle figures, and many cereal premium toys.
Keshi:A Japanese term that's modern meaning refers to manga/anime-related toy figures that are non-articulated; traditionally, but not always, mono-colored; and made of various types of soft plastic and rubber material. The word keshi is a shortened form of the Japanese word keshigomu. Keshi may mean "doll/figurine" or simply "eraser," and gomu means "rubber/gum." Thus, keshigomu means rubber figurine.
Keshi is a term that describes perfectly the mini-figure toy lines that Toypedia will primarily be focusing on for the time being.
Here's a look at some Japanese keshi:
Click to enlarge
And here's a look at a rubbery, eraser-like keshi with a matte finish (left) and a soft plastic (flexible vinyl) with glossy finish (right):
Click to enlarge
Monster: Any sculpt that resembles a mutated, deformed, or otherwise unnatural living creature, human or non-human.
Rubbery Material: Neither stiff nor firm and able to be bent and squeezed with minimal pressure. In most cases, this material is very similar to common eraser material.
There are varying degrees of rubberyness among plastics we would consider rubbery material. Examples of "rubbery material" would be standard sized Kinnikuman Kinkeshi, Transformers Decoys, and various other Japanese keshi toy lines.
Sci-Fi (science fiction): Any alien or outer space-related sculpt, human or non-human.
Sculpt: Refers to the shape of a particular figure.
Here's a look at two different Bad Eggz Bunch sculpts:
Octoegg and Omletto
Soft Plastic: Firm, but able to be bent and squeezed with mild pressure. It is sometimes described as "flexible vinyl." It is heavier and denser than hard, brittle plastics.
There are varying degrees of softness among plastics we would consider soft plastic. Examples of "soft plastic" would be Monster In My Pocket figures, MUSCLE figures, and RBT: Mordles.