Credit Daniel Smith
Name of Toy Line: OMFG! (Outlandish Mini Figure Guys!)
Production Company:
Years of Production: ~
Countries/Regions Available: Worldwide
Size/Scale: 2"
Figure Trade Markings: Unknown
Approximate # of Figures: 5 sculpts, 2 colorways
Some time in early 2011, the idea for a new M.U.S.C.L.E.- and M.I.M.P.-inspired toy line began to take shape at the October Toys forum. (October Toys are the brains behind the awesome Z.O.M.B.I.E.S. toy line.) Several incredibly talented artists and toy enthusiasts began to brainstorm and flesh-out the details of the project that was to be designed and created top-to-bottom by toy collectors. After several months of churning out character and sculpt ideas, logo and packaging designs, the project began to take on the unmistakable shape of pure, 100%, ass-kicking goodness.
The logo was ready (see above), the packaging art was shaping up, and five incredible characters and their sculpts had been prototyped (see below).
However, before the project can move to the all-important production stage, funding has to be attained: to the tune of $11,000. The group of collaborators has turned to, a website that helps projects get started by collecting pledges from interested parties. One of the nice thing about is that pledged money is not collected until the target goal is achieved. Thus, in the case of OMFG!, any pledges made will not be collected until the goal of $11,000 is reached. As of the writing of this entry, the OMFG! project has obtained $3,530 in pledges from individuals all over the world. OMFG! (Update: The project has reached its full funding goal just 5 days into the campaign. Incredible. Contributions are still needed to fund additional colors and production of series two.)
So, let me stop flapping my gums for a moment and point you to the OMFG! pledge page:
Alright, let's take a quick look at the figures and some gorgeous concept art for the packaging! If/when I get some figures in hand, I'll be sure to post more pics.
Above: Left-to-Right: The Phantom Shithouse, Crawdad Kid, King Castor, Stroll, & Multiskull
A look at the development of King Castor created by Dominic Campisi.
And here's a look at some concept art for the packaging card done by Ralph Niese.
Man, the retro, yummy, goodness of that card artwork just pops at you! If you are as blown away by this project as I am, please make a pledge! And while the focus is clearly on getting Series I into production, there is already talk of a Series II. I know, it's enough to bring tears to your eyes.
Be sure to check out the original October Toys forum thread linked above for more OMFG! goodness.
Holy crap. Love it!
Wow, just wow, this is going to be great!
I'm a baker! haha!
Backed this straight up! good find.
As of June 14th the total is at $6,416!
I'm pumped seeing the interest that's
aimed at the OMFG! toys.
This project is just pure energy and awesome.
Man oh man!
The goal was reached in 5 days!
Designs for series 2 are being
submitted at the October Toys /
Toy Break forum :
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